Since opening in 1996, Foothills Wedding Chapel in Golden Colorado has always supported our men and women in uniform by being extra-flexible with scheduling, last-minute cancellations and delays due to sudden deployment, and informal counseling for military brides whose wedding plans have been turned upside down days or weeks before their scheduled ceremony. This kind of flexibility and understanding is especially important when the bride or groom is in the military in a time of war.
Our chapel was first started up in a prisoner of war camp near Leadville, Colorado. The German soldiers being housed at Camp Hale were mostly Lutheran, and one of the American captains asked the German POWs if they would be interested in helping make stained glass and lantern-like lights for a new Lutheran Church for the glory of God to be built in Golden after the war. Several of the POWS joined in with the American captain, making this one of the few cooperative ventures between Germans and Americans during World War II. When the war ended, the rest of the church was completed in 1947. A Navy shipbuilder actually created the beams using old shipbuilding techniques, warping them in water just the right amount to give them a perfect curve in the final architecture. The entire top of the church was built to look like the hull of Noah's ark turned upside down!
If you are a military person, thank you for your service. And consider Foothills Chapel, where we will show extra consideration for your special situation. We have helped organize weddings complete with catered receptions, in as little as seven days when a soldier is suddenly being deployed. We help you emotionally through the sudden changes because we have seen so many other brides who have

had to go through this. We allow the archway of swords (some churches consider swords weapons and forbid this important military tradition). We have understanding ministers or you can bring your own chaplain or pastor. Call us at 303-279-2152 today to see the chapel of your dreams!