Monday, June 28, 2010

I petted a hummingbird at a wedding

Just before an outdoor wedding was to begin, a hummingbird flew right by me. oth the bird and I suddenly got totally quiet, and I moved my finger towards it and petted it six times. Soft as, well, a feather, and delicate as a mountain wildflower. Then it flew off. Needless to say I was extra inspired performing that wedding. I never dreamed I could pet a hummingbird!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Flower Girl Blows Kisses

Last week I did a wedding where the six year old floower girl held a basket of flowers and blew kisses at everyone while walking down the aisle. I've officiated at thousands of weddings but people come up with new and unique ideas all the time! Rev Chris Mohr, Foothills Chapel, Golden Colorado (near Denver).

Friday, June 4, 2010

Respond With Love

Love is who we are. God is Love, and we are made in the image of God as Love. Marriage is an incredible opportunity to bring love into our day to day lives. Try it sometime. The next time an old argument is flaring up again, or you feel frustration with your spouse or fiance, ask yourself how Love wants to respond. Jesus said to love your enemy, to fight hatred with Love. Sri Poonjaji said, "Love all, no matter what, love all, it will win all battles."

Your sweetheart is not your enemy, and a marital tiff is not a battle... or is it? In the moment you let a little thing get in the way of love, you position yourself in opposition and try to win... to defeat your "enemy," the person you have chosen to spend the rest of your life with.

Try it once in a while. Take a deep breath and surrender into love. Right in the middle of a fight, just stop. What is Love saying? It's a quieter voice so you have to listen very carefully. But Love melts our hardened shells and invites us to a place beyond right and wrong, where nothing needs to be fixed and nothing is won or lost. It seems to leave us vulnerable but it is the source of our greatest strength, for it is, at the core of our being, who we are. Who seems more confident and self-assured, someone who bickers and picks fights or someone who radiates a calm and loving presence?