Brides often make New Year's resolutions (any time of the year!) because they envision a new "me" to go along with their new life. Here are some tips to make those resolutions stick:
Tips for Effective Resolutions |
We sometimes make resolutions and then fail to keep them. Sometimes this repeated experience can make us feel a sense of futility. And yet we also long to change, and we continue to sense a more magnificent life we could be living- if only we could shift but a few habits. Here are a few tips that can help you shape resolutions that can succeed. #1 Make it directional The key is to understand that all our progress is directional. If we want to make real changes we need to mentally map the terrritory between where we are now and where we want to be- in order to discern a next step that will stick. Couch Potatos would do well with resolving to exercise for even just 5 minutes a day. What seems ridiculously do-able is what provides the traction for actual change. If we can make 5 minutes happen, consistently, it can easily and naturally grow into more. And despite what we think, that 5 minutes will initially take an heroic effort. #2 Make it specific and tie it to something specific A vague resolution will be an even thinner cloud of nothing in a few weeks. We have to make a real gameplan. Make the action specific and tie it into an already specific routine. "Right after I brush my teeth I will do 5 yoga stretches" has a far greater chance of success than "everyday I will exercise for 5 minutes". #3 Plan support A well chosen buddy is one of the best ways to support a new habit. Don't pick your fiance if their well intentioned help will feel like nagging. Ask a reliable friend if you can report your progress for 30 days- the time it takes to form a new habit. (Maybe they have a new '5 minute habit' you can support for them too). Call or email your friend after you've done the 5 yoga sun salutions. In other words, find a way that you can be held lovingly accountable for your follow through. #4 Change your mind Ultimately, our identity is our identification. The more we can shift our self perception the faster and deeper the change can take root. Begin to think of yourself as one who loves to exercise. Loosen your identification with the slug who loves the couch. #5 Affirm the new reality Add affirmations to your new habit. Just before or after your 5 minutes of exercise repeat an affirmation such as "I am healthy and strong. I am filled with vitality". Affirmations are most effective when they are repeated first loudly- to get the mind's attention, then more softly, to sink in deeper. Finally, say the affirmation just mentally, but hold your attention at the point of concentration between the eyebrows. #6 Be kind with yourself No one can stick with a program if its run by a tyrant. Every time you fail refuse to berate yourself AND refuse to give up. Give yourself loving encouragement. Be patient and persistent and you will win over your inner slugs and saboteurs. If you can follow these simple suggestions you will be on your way to a new way of being with yourself. When we cultivate will power and persistence in even one tiny area of our lives, we gain a power that can be applied to ever larger domains. Remember that our real accomplishment in life is the mastery of ourselves. |
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